Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What Every Cigarette Smoker Should Know!

Every cigarette smoker should know that the cigarette he/she is smoking is a natural chemical specifically manufactured to destroy its user. He/she needs to know that this is an indestructible combination of dangerous chemicals that ...

Ø1 Is extremely addictive when smoked. The more you smoke the more you crave for it.

Ø2 Can precipitate smokers to die young. This has been proved physically, scientifically and otherwise.

Ø3 Is extremely addictive when chewed. There is some difference in cigarette addiction when it is chewed from its addiction when it is smoked.

Ø4 Causes addiction as permanent as alcoholism. An alcoholic and a cigarette smoker-addict are in the same category.

Ø5 Is not medicine and its use not therapy. There is nothing to be gained either medicinally or therapeutically in cigarette smoking. The effect, physically, spiritually or medically is purely negative.

Ø6 Prevents pre-cancerous cells from dying by encouraging its multiplicative growth. The environment created by cigarette smoking inside the body is a very favourable one for the continuous growth of the pre-cancerous tumour in human body cells.

Ø7 Proves so hard to quit than its counterpart drugs: heroin and cocaine. (What makes this die-hard habit possible is that cigarette smoking is openly acceptable in the society, usually seen and bought over-the-counter (OTC) while other drugs are used hidden. Cigarette is extremely cheaper than any other drugs and can be bought without the law slamming down on you.)

Ø8 Sometimes damage the brain and resultantly affect the memory. Yeah, this is real since it is like smoking fresh fish over a smoking coal fire.

Ø9 Contributes to artery hardening as a result of the accumulated smoke passing through the artery.

Ø10 Is ineffective as a stand-alone quitting aid.

Ø11 Accelerates cancer tumor growth rates through the cancer-causing chemicals in the nicotine.

Ø12 Likely causes brain damage and depression which can eventually leads to the death of the brain of the addict.

Ø13 Has a metabolite which may cause cancer. In every aspect, the overall outcome of cigarette smoking is cancer in different form.

Ø14 Eliminates 50% of adult smokers 13-14 years earlier than their expected year of demise.

Ø15 Is directly linked to lung cancer. This is inescapable for all cigarette smokers, either young or old. Lung cancer is a direct product of cigarette smoking.

Ø16 Is also a foetus destroying teratogen. Women who smoke especially when they are pregnant stand a very high risk of having miscarriage.

Ø17 Is beat by never taking another puff or chew! This is the only way to stop cigarette addiction. Don’t take the next one!

Ø18 A lot of cancer-causing chemicals totaling 81.

Ø19 Contains additional over four thousands (4,000) other chemicals in every single puff of cigarette smoke inhales by a cigarette smoker which aids the destruction of the body system of the smoker.

Ø20 Additionally contains nearly seven hundred (700) tobacco company flavor and engineering additives in every single puff of cigarette smoke which goes into the body system of the smoker and works hand-in-hand with the all other chemicals above in sealing the fate of the cigarette smoker.

It should be noted that "Rome was not built in a day". All this destruction is not achieved within a day, week or month or even a year. It is the accumulation of these chemical in their minute unseen form that becomes the indestructible death causing cancer and some other ailment within the body system of the smoker.

An average smoker, who smoke 20-60 cigarettes in a day, injures not only himself or herself but his/her non-smoking friends, neighbours and acquaintances by polluting their lifestyle in having a greater share of this chemical-filled smokes. Hence, he not only harm himself but other people who are non-smokers. For every cigarette puff inhaled by a smoker, his non-smoker friends, neighbours and acquaintances are also being punished by him.

So, which way? The only way is for him to QUIT SMOKING.

As Featured On EzineArticles

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